That one we took at the flea market, in which my lovely pink samsonite 60s purse was (temporarily) laid to rest, and replaced with a sexy red plastic 60s bag that looks like a toolbox.

there's something magical about north beach at night..

These photos aren't in any particular order. And for a fashion blog I am doing a terrrrible job because I've mainly been wearing the same thing in every photo I've posted of myself. I like to blame this fact on my being in between houses during these photos.....
goodnight world !

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
just a coupla shotsss
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Beauty Blog, care of Lola Louise
so... whilst getting my hurr did by my very wonderful friend Kym at Glama-Rama! her haircut that she took before doing my hair, (I was late because I was distracted by shoes

which are amazing and from Aldo, and they're on saleeee ! Suzy has them in both black and white) suggested I start a "beauty blog" because I had lots of opinions on makeup and clothes and bra bra braaa
well ! as it turns out, SHE had opinions on EVERYTHING, I discussed how we could have been like "I like to go ice fishing in Peru on Thursdays" and she would have responded with something like "oh, I've been in a club for YEARS that does that"
anyway, I DO love beauty. and blogs. and here i
s our beautiful blog, so why not dedicate a day to talking beauty !
so, this post is about my two new favorite products!
Benefit's "They're Real" mascara

and "It's Potent" eye cream.

For most of my life I have been a crazy mascara consumer due to the fact that my lashes stick straight out. Yes, I curl them. Yes, I should buy a fancier curler, but that isn't the point. I've tried most everything; from M.A.C. to Dior to assorted drug store brands to everything under the sun. My top contenders always being Badgal by benefit, Define-a-lash by Maybelline, and Lancome's Hypnose Drama WP(the lancome one didn't look AMAZING on me, but it looks AWESOME on Suzy, she looks like she has crazy doll lashes or false lashes [which people in the 50s called "brooms," according to random lady who came into my store today])
ANYWAY, I was pretty set on the Badgal-wagon, UNTIL.... They're Real came out. which happened only a couple weeks ago. The best thing about this mascara is that it CURLS the lashes. How, you ask? Well. I'm not one hundred percent sure. I'm thinking it is the brush, which looks a bit like a caterpillar, that catches each lash. EACH. but for reals. it curls. AYE-mazing.
Another issue I have with my face is I have these dark under-eye circles. which is a bummersauce. I had previously been using something by Origins that I can't remember now.. but whatevs. It's Potent rocked my wo
rld. The moment I put it on, I noticed it became brighter. Ingredients include: apple extract which helps to boost collagen, cocoa extract which gets the circulation going to fade dark circles, and a root called burnet, which soothes and depuffs.
and that's all for meow.

Friday, July 22, 2011
In Other News....
So, now that I actually figured out HOW to steal josh's photos I should be posting a lot more regularly. And.. yeah.
Also, Suzy is going by two names and Lola (moi) got a new job (that I really like !) and as such, we are your new (slightly self proclaimed) lingerie and make up specialists. and always vintage, because that's what we breathe. |
so tell your friends, tell your family, tell your door man.
ps, i'll probably do another makeup favorites, as my tastes have changed a bit. (read: places reformulated their products making their lightest colors too dark for my complexion =[ )
you missed us !
alright my most darling readers, after months of hibernation, we are back and ready to rock. and as promised, there are a million photos. all thanks to the lovely, most joshy of all josh's www.flickr.com/papereatsrock !
so, suzy and lola (and josh) took many tiny trips around the bay area, outside of lil' ol SF, for several Wednesdays inna row... places included: petaluma, the ink wells, and others that I can't remember because it really has been awhile...
that one is specifically from petaluma. I, Lola, look scary. and I am wearing a pretty ridiculous argyle sweater that is in my give-away pile sitting in my hallway to be given away.
there it can be seen again. Suzy and I proceeded to follow a cat into the squishy grasslands of that front yard.
In Petaluma I picked up some pretty sweet 50s cat eyes... and we went somewhere else(to be honest i can't remember,) and wore them...

and sorry it was at that last moment in the copy-pasting that I realized I could change the size of the picture ;]

I think that one is my favorite...

the photo above is in front of my (now not so) new apartment. the scaffolding was decorated with an American flag. furreals.

thanks for checking back for us !
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